The return of Starbuck’s PSL and National Acorn Squash Day are two positively certain indicators that, yes indeed, fall is upon us. I can just smell cloves and cinnamon as I type today’s post. What better way to celebrate the return of autumn leaves and Acorn Squash Day then to try Fall Stuffed Acorn Squash.
By the way, PSL stands for Pumpkin Spice Latte. I forgot that everyone is not a PSL groupie like myself, lol. Oh, and since we are on the topic of Starbucks, it is only two months away from red cups holding gingerbread and eggnog lattes. I’m just saying.
September 7th is the annual day of honoring this versatille squash, lesser known as Des Moines squash or pepper squash. Not sure when or who got this observance started, but acorn aquash itself is reportedly originated from North America. It reaches to other continents through Americans.
Here’s a funny equation…acorn squash are actually winter squash that belong to the same species of summer squashes, yet are a commonly universal sign of autumn. Now, if only I can find a tie-in to spring, we would have a squash for all seasons!
If you want to read more interesting and informative facts pertaining to this healthful vegetable, check out
Pretty presentation, savory taste…Fall Stuffed Acorn Squash is the best way to step into the season.