Today there is an excuse to twirl your fork through a big bowl of pasta…why it’s National Pasta Day! My recipe for Zucchini Spaghetti is the perfect meal to acknowledge this day dedicated to the good carb.
No matter what shape, size or sauce you top it with, pasta is a universal favorite. It seems every culture incorporates some form of this most versatile food in their cooking. In fact, research shows that folks have been eating pasta since 5,000 B.C or earlier!

Adding fresh vegetables to pasta makes for an easy, one-dish meal your family will be pleased to eat. Today, pastas made from legumes and veggies abounds. So whenever possible, try replacing your traditional penne, tortellini or rotini with these modern varieties to give your meal an added health boost. Did you know pasta is the Italian word for dough?

Don’t forget, October 25th is World Pasta Day, so keep this quick & easy recipe handy for another opportunity to enjoy Zucchini Spaghetti. Everyone will love this please-all meal, even those with sensitive stomachs who require special food needs.